Brief CV of: Dr Stephen John FALK, MB ChB, FRCP, FRCR, MD
GMC 2820732
Present appointment: Consultant Clinical Oncologist
Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer
Areas of interest: Upper gastrointestinal tract, hepato-biliary and colorectal cancer, lung cancer, lymphomas and skin cancers, radiotherapy and chemotherapy
Work address: Bristol Oncology Centre, Horfield Rd
Bristol BS2 8ED.
Tel: 0117 3422419
Fax: 0117 3423572
Sessional commitments: Southmead Hospital Bristol
Date of birth: 26th July 1960
Previous appointment: 1.8.86. - 14.1.90. Trainee in Radiotherapy, Velindre Hospital, Cardiff.
15.1.90. - 07.02.94 MRC Clinical Scientist, Honorary Senior Registrar, University department and MRC Unit of Clinical Oncology, Cambridge.
Professional activities
Clinical Director Comprehensive research network (Western)
Lead clinician Univ Hosp Bristol NHS Trust Cancer clinical trials unit
Lead cancer clinician Univ Hosp Bristol NHS Trust
Lead clinician for radiotherapy and acute oncology Avon Somerset and Wiltshire (ASWCS)
Lead clinician ASWCS NCRN Research network
Chair pancreatic sub group of NCRI
Medico-legal work
Preparation of medico-legal reports and NHS complaint reviews in areas of professional interest: 24-36 / year
Defence: 70%
Complainant 15%
Joint instruction: 15%
Retained by DECC in respect of the group ‘Phurnacite litigation’
Recent publications:
Falk S Positron Emission Tomography Scanning in Oesophageal Cancer - Stuck at the First Hurdle? Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol). 2011 Aug 22. [Epub ahead of print]
Hatton M, Nankivell M, Lyn E, Falk S, Pugh C, Navani N, Stephens R, Parmar M.
Induction Chemotherapy and Continuous Hyperfractionated Accelerated Radiotherapy (CHART) for Patients With locally Advanced Inoperable Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: The MRC INCH Randomized Trial. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2011 Nov 1;81(3):712-8. Epub 2010 Oct 6.
Adams RA, Meade AM, Seymour MT, Wilson RH, Madi A, Fisher D, Kenny SL, Kay E, Hodgkinson E, Pope M, Rogers P, Wasan H, Falk S, Gollins S, Hickish T, Bessell EM, Propper D, Kennedy MJ, Kaplan R, Maughan TS; MRC COIN Trial Investigators.
Intermittent versus continuous oxaliplatin and fluoropyrimidine combination chemotherapy for first-line treatment of advanced colorectal cancer: results of the randomised phase 3 MRC COIN trial. Lancet Oncol. 2011 Jul;12(7):642-53